Should you rush out and buy the latest gadget or computer or electronic device?
Many of us drool over the latest and greatest gadgets that hit the market. For some it is the newest cell phone with camera and music capabilities, others it may be an mp3 player with video capabilities or a flat screen TV or a new laptop. We rush out as soon as the devices hit the market and purchase the coveted device.
But wait! Resist the urge! As it turns out, it is better to wait about three months after a new gadget, computer or electronic device hits the market.
By waiting, you will still experience the same joy from the latest device only the price will usually be lower. Additionally, others will have had an opportunity to check out the device and many will report their experiences. You can benefit from their reviews (check out site like Epionions, Amazon and C-Net for reviews) and decide if the latest device is really up to par and if it is worth buying.